
perform DDE client operations 



dde -r item -s server -t topic [-T timeout] [-x]

dde -c request -s server -t topic [-T timeout]


The dde command allows you to communicate with DDE servers. Several parameters are always required to perform a DDE operation. The name of the server is always required. For example, PROGMAN is the DDE server name of the Program Manager. A topic is also required. Some servers may ignore the topic, others may require it in the same way as the server name; however, normally there is a set of valid topics. dde can perform two types of operations: request the value of a data item or execute a command string.


-c request 

specifies a command string to be executed.

-r item 

specifies the name or value of an item being requested.

-s server 

specifies the name of the DDE server.

-t topic 

specifies the topic.

-T timeout 

specifies, in milli-seconds, the timeout during which the DDE server must respond. Default is 5000 milli-seconds, that is 5 seconds.


displays, for data requests only, the returned values in hexadecimal. Each byte is displayed as two hex digits, separated by a space. Normal return from the -r is to display the data returned as a string.


The following brings up the startup program group. Note that the Explorer and the old Program Manager both have the same DDE server name, PROGMAN.

dde -s PROGMAN -t PROGMAN -c '[ShowGroup("Startup", 1)]'

Look up in the Windows Registry Database the name of the browser installed on the current machine, as well as the name of the Topic which causes it to open a given URL. Normally the browser is either Netscape, or IExplore, and normally the topic is WWW_OpenURL. This command takes a URL as the item requested. It returns a 4 byte binary number being the browser window ID which was opened for that topic.

s=$(registry -r -p -k 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\ddeexec\Application')
t=$(registry -r -p -k 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\ddeexec\Topic')
dde -x -s $s -t $t -r http://www.mks.com/


Possible exit status values are:


Successful completion.


An error occurred.


Windows 10. Windows Server 2016. Windows Server 2019. Windows 11. Windows Server 2022. Windows Server 2025.


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PTC MKS Toolkit 10.5 Documentation Build 40.