ps displays information about processes, provided that you have appropriate privileges to obtain information about the requested processes.
ps accepts several options. When a description says that ps lists all processes, it means all the processes on the system, provided that you have appropriate privileges.
-A -
displays information on all accessible processes. You can specify
-A ,-a , and-e in any combination, however,-a overrides both-A and-e . -a -
displays information on all processes associated with terminals. You can specify
-A ,-a , and-e in any combination; however,-a overrides both-A and-e . -c -
displays more detailed information about processes for the
-f and-l options. Accepted but not currently implemented. -d -
displays information for all processes except group leaders.
-e -
displays information on all accessible processes. You can specify
-A ,-a , and-e in any combination; however,-a overrides both-A and-e . -f -
displays information as if the user specified
-o ruser=UID -o pid,ppid,pcpu=C -o stime,tty=TTY -o atime,args
-G idlist-
displays information on processes with process group numbers in idlist. Separate numbers in idlist with either blanks or commas.
-g grouplist-
displays information on processes with real group ID numbers in grouplist. Separate numbers in grouplist with either blanks or commas.
-j -
displays information as if the user specified
-o pid,sid,pgid=PGRP -o tty=TTY -o atime,comm
-l -
displays information as if the user specified
-o ruser=USER -o pid,ppid,pri,vsz=SIZE -o rss,stime=START -o atime,args=CMD
-n name-
specifies the name of the executable containing the kernel symbol table.
-o format-
displays information according to the given format specifications. For further information, see Format Specifications.
-p proclist-
displays information for processes with process ID numbers in proclist. Separate numbers in proclist with either blanks or commas.
-S hostname-
displays information for processes running on the remote system hostname. The remote system must be a 10/2016/2019/11/2022/2025 system and you must have administrator privileges on that system. To obtain the process information, ps installs a service named psproxy on the remote system (if it isn't already installed) and communicates with that service.
-s idlist-
displays information for processes with session ID numbers in idlist. Separate numbers in idlist with either blanks or commas.
-t termlist-
displays information for processes with terminals in termlist. You denote terminals in termlist with either the file name of the device (for example, tty04), or if the file name begins with tty, you can simply specify the characters following tty. For example, tty04 and 04 both denote the same terminal. Terminals in termlist are separated by either blanks or commas.
-U userlist-u userlist-
displays information for processes with user IDs in userlist. Items in userlist can be user ID numbers or login names, and are separated by either blanks or commas.
Format Specifications
specified with
If you do not specify the
-o pid,tty=TTY -o atime,comm=CMD
The following list shows the names that ps recognizes. At the end of each description, we put the default column heading inside square brackets. The following names are POSIX-compliant.
- args
displays the command that is executing, with all its arguments. [COMMAND]
- Note:
The arguments for a command can only be displayed if ps is run from an account that is either part of the Administrators group or has the SeDebugPrivilege privilege set.
- comm
displays the name of the command that is executing. This string is padded on the right if necessary. [COMMAND]
- etime
displays the amount of real time that has elapsed since the process began execution. ps shows the time in the form:
where dd is the number of days, hh is the number of hours, mm is the number of minutes, and ss is the number of seconds. [ELAPSED]
- group
displays the effective group ID of the process, as a group name if possible and as a decimal group ID if not. [GROUP]
- nice
displays the nice value (urgency) of the process as a decimal value. [NI]
- pcpu
displays a percentage value giving the ratio of CPU time used to CPU time available. This option is unsupported and always returns a value of 0. [%CPU]
- pgid
displays the process group ID as a decimal value. [PGID]
- pid
displays the process ID as a decimal value. [PID]
- ppid
displays the parent process ID as a decimal value. [PPID]
- rgroup
displays the real group ID of the process, as a group name if possible and as a decimal group ID if not. [RGROUP]
- ruser
displays the real userid of the process, as a username if possible and as a decimal user ID otherwise. [RUSER]
- time
displays the amount of CPU time that the process has used since it began execution. ps displays this time in form similar to that used by etime. [TIME]
- tty
displays the name of the controlling terminal (if any). On NT, this name is always "conin$", which is actually the source which initiated the process. [TT]
- user
displays the effective userid of the process, as a username if possible and as a decimal user ID otherwise. [USER]
- vsz
displays the amount of (virtual) memory that the process is using, as a decimal number of kilobytes. [VSZ]
The following names are PTC MKS Toolkit extensions to ps.
- addr
displays the address of the process. [ADDR]
- atime
displays the abbreviated CPU time of the process. [TIME]
- domainuser
displays the user name including the domain (for example, TESTDOMAIN/Robin) when the user is a domain user. [USER]
- flags
displays the process flags. [F]
- gid
displays the effective group ID of the process. [EGID]
- pri
displays the process priority. [PRI]
- rgid
displays the real group ID of the process. [GID]
- rss
displays the resident set size of the process. This is the amount of physical memory actually used by the process.
- ruid
displays the real user ID of the process. [UID]
- sid
displays the session ID of the process. [SID]
- state
displays the process state. [S]
- stime
displays the start time of the process. [STIME]
- uid
displays the effective user ID of the process. [EUID]
- wchan
displays the channel upon which the process is waiting. [WCHAN]
- xpid
displays the process ID in hexadecimal.
If you want to specify your own column heading instead of the defaults, put
after the name in the format list. For example,
ps -o args,ruser=WHO
displays the command and the real user name. The heading for the command column is the default COMMAND but the heading for the user name column is WHO. If you specify = with no heading, ps displays that column without a heading. If all columns have no heading, ps displays no heading line.
When this variable is set, the Enhanced UNIX Compatibility Mode is on and the virtual file system is in use.
ps displays command lines as they were entered. This environment variable has no effect on that display. For example, a command line entered when the Enhanced UNIX Compatibility Mode was on, and then displayed by ps when that mode is off will still be displayed with virtual file system path names (if any). Similarly, Windows path names entered when the Enhanced UNIX Compatibility Mode is off will still be displayed as Windows path when ps is run with the Enhanced UNIX Compatibility Mode off.
For details on the Enhanced UNIX Compatibility Mode and the virtual file system, see the EUCM reference page.
Possible exit status values are:
- 0
Successful completion.
- 1
Failure due to any of the following:
- 2
Usage error, including any of the following:
Windows 10. Windows Server 2016. Windows Server 2019. Windows 11. Windows Server 2022. Windows Server 2025. POSIX.2. x/OPEN Portability Guide 4.0.
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PTC MKS Toolkit for System Administrators
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PTC MKS Toolkit for Interoperability
PTC MKS Toolkit for Professional Developers
PTC MKS Toolkit for Professional Developers 64-Bit Edition
PTC MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers
PTC MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers 64-Bit Edition
PTC MKS Toolkit 10.5 Documentation Build 40.