XML::LibXML::Tools - An API for easy XML::LibXML DOM manipulation


XML::LibXML::Tools - An API for easy XML::LibXML DOM manipulation


  use XML::LibXML::Tools;
  my $lxt = XML::LibXML::Tools->new();
  # set croakOnError => 0 for all new objects.
  $XML::LibXML::Tools::croak = 0;
  my $dom = $lxt->complex2Dom( data =>
                               [ document =>
                                 [ node =>
                                   [ deeper_content =>
                                     [ $tools->attribute("attribute",
                                       "deep content" ],
                                   node => [ "content" ]
                               ] );
  # change content
  $tools->domUpdate( xpath => "/document/node",
                     data => [ deeper_content => "Other content" ]);
  # add comment
  $tools->domAdd( xpath => "/document",
                  data => [ $tools->comment("blaaa") ]);
  # add a nodeset.
  $tools->domAdd( xpath => "/document/node[2]",
                  location => AFTER,
                  data => [ $dom->findnodes("/document/node[1]") ]);
  # add a DOM
  $tools->domAdd ( xpath => "/document/node[1]",
                   location => BEFORE,
                   data => [ node => [ $otherDom ] ] );
  # delete some nodes
  $tools->domDelete( xpath => "/document",
                     deleteXPath => "./node[1]" );


Hands an interface for merging, updating, adding and deleting a the XML::LibXML::Document manpage in an easy fashion.


Constants are exported for your ease.

  BEFORE => "before";
  AFTER  => "after";
  TO     => "to";

All these constants can be used for the location parameter


Methods are all accessors, they are show with their default value.

defaultLocation ( TO )

  Default adding location.

objectDom ( ``'' )

  Filled by complex2Dom if not yet defined, or you.
  Used so that you can skip the dom-parameter for each function which
  is meant to work at this DOM.

storeDom( 1 )

  If set to 0 complex2Dom doesn't fill the objectDom so you can
  manipulate 'externals' DOMs without to much overhead.

error ( undef )

  Set to 1 by addError

errorMsg ( undef )

  Holds the message stack

croakOnError ( 1 )

  If an error occurs, croak (errorMsg)

showPath ( 0 )

  warns the names of the functions called.
  Not very usefull unless you are an expert


Most of these functions operate parameter based,

  eg: $lxt->domAdd(node => $node, dom => $dom, data => $ref )

Most of these functions call upon each other. They always pass their parameters.

dom => $dom

  The L<XML::LibXML::Document> you want to perform your operation
  on. If ommited objectDom is tried.

node => $dom->node

  The node on which you wish to perform your operation.

xpath => ``/path/to/node''

  If the node is ommited, uses this xpath-statement to get to a node.

data => $ref

  [ element => "of surprise" ]
  [ $dom ]
  [ $nodelist ]
  [ [ element => [ $nodelist ],
      element => [ $dom      ],
      element => [ attribute( "name", "value" ), "content" ] ]
  The data for the operation. Can be an intrigate combination of
  arrays DOMs and NodeLists

location => TO

location => BEFORE

location => AFTER

  The location for adding.
  TO     : Add to the selected node
  BEFORE : insert before the selected node
  AFTER  : insert after the selected node

deleteXPath, delete

  Used in domDelete. Delete everything that complies to deleteXPath
  from the selected node.
  delete is shorthand


Set the showpath for this operation.


Used internally for showPath. Please do not meddle with it unless your an expert.


For the sake of easy reading '*name' is a parameter.

All these functions return undef once an error has been raised.

$dom = complex2Dom ( data => $ref )

    Turns an array reference into a L<XML::LibXML::Document>, taking
    array->[0] as the rootname. calls array2Dom for this purpose.
    The newly created DOM's encoding is set to be UTF-8

array2Dom ( %params )

    Turns *data into a L<XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment> (or alike) so
    that it can be attached to the *dom or *node at a later point in
    time. Expert use only.
    dom, node, data
    *xpath is ignored here
    *node is intrepreted as a parentNode.

domUpdate ( %params )

    Update the selected *node with *data by replacing or adding nodes
    along the way.
    dom, node OR xpath, data

domAdd ( %params )

    Add *data to *node at *location
    dom, node OR xpath, data

domDelete ( %params )

    Delete everything from *deleteXPath from *node. Because this is
    XPath driven there is no way to remove comments - still looking
    into a solution for that.
    dom, node OR xpath, data, deleteXPath

analyseXpath ( ``/newlsetter[1]/section[2]/parot[2]'' )

  returns 'parot', 2, '/newlsetter[1]/section[2]'

attribute ( ``name'', ``value'' )

  returns the special attribute notation for arrays which need to be
  transformed to DOMs

comment ( ``comment'' )

  returns the special comment notation for arrays which need to be
  transformed to DOMs
  Puts a space before and after the comment it is not there, since
  yours truly beliefs that is more beatifull.

addError ( $message )

  Adds $message to the message stack.
  Sets error() to 1

resetError ()

  Resets the error stack and flag.


  0.71 - released
  0.72 - minor documentation changes. (it broke on CPAN ... :( )
  0.80 - made sure this also works with a 'broken' Text::Iconv


the XML::LibXML manpage


  - Encoding:
    + It is expected that you supply your data in the same encoding as
      is your DOM.
  - Unfixed checking problem.
    You might see something like: complex2Dom: To complex! ...
    FIX : Surround the stuff in *data with extra [ ].


Originally Written by Robert Bakker as an Exporter.

Then re-written by Hartog de Mik to: beautify code. chop up into functions.

Then finaly re-written by Hartog de Mik into the current OO implementation

 XML::LibXML::Tools - An API for easy XML::LibXML DOM manipulation