Problem |
Applies To |
Description |
CFS 17807 | TKEDev | XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, NULL, NULL) causes unexpected results |
CFS 21738 | All | at gives an error after running more than 2000 times |
CFS 22410 | All | connrlogin/connrsh/connssh fail when installed in a path with a space |
CFS 22420 | TKDev, TKIO, TKPDev, TKEDev | ctags does not detect enumeration members |
CFS 22595 | All | tksched runs task scheduled for a weekday on the wrong day |
CFS 22612 | TKPDev, TKEDev | mprotect on an mmaped page fails |
CFS 22613 | TKPDev, TKEDev | Granchild stdhandles for FIOIFOS no longer passed properly |
CFS 22621 | All | script fails with a SEGV on Windows 2000 Server with Terminal Services |
CFS 22642 | All | noglob does not work correctly in csh |
CFS 22743 | TKPDev, TKEDev | strtod() not setting errno to ERANGE in some cases |
CFS 22976 | All | netnews should have an option that gives the same output as listgroup |
CFS 23037 | TKPDev, TKEDev | calls to stat(), fstat() and access() fail with /dev/null |
CFS 23046 | All | wts -l fails with tasks it cannot access |
CFS 23049 | All | \n only moves the cursor to the next line (no LF) in telnet/rlogin/ssh |
CFS 23051 | All | $ROOTDIR/etc/mibs/.index is updated every time a snmp util is run |
CFS 23070 | All | shortcut should give better error about -f requiring full path |
CFS 23073 | All | sh should be able to run a .lnk file |
CFS 23080 | All | dosname gives error messages with \'s converted to /'s |
CFS 23092 | All | cp -p fails on file/dir names that contain accented characters |
CFS 23097 | All | pwd should return the actual current working directory instead of $PWD |
CFS 23103 | All | the ugrep "Edit File" feature tries to open the wrong file |
CFS 23115 | TKPDev, TKEDev | need support for realpath() |
CFS 23139 | All | sh left in wrong mode after emacs is closed |
CFS 23191 | All | bzcmp and bzdiff use missing tempfile utility |
CFS 23192 | All | bzless needs a "less" utility |
CFS 23220 | TKPDev, TKEDev | "Failed to synchronize with fork() child" error in event log |
CFS 23221 | TKDev, TKIO, TKPDev, TKEDev | ar not detecting full disk |
CFS 23240 | All | ps should give better error when "no matching process..." issue occurs |
CFS 23269 | All | TK_SH_RHS_OF_PIPE_IN_CURRENT_SHELL may cause sh to hang |
CFS 23278 | All | "who am i" does not work for non-admin users |
CFS 23294 | TKDev | cc does not build *.o |
CFS 23296 | All | <=> in sh has new glitch in TK 8.6 |
CFS 23319 | All | passwd needs a -p option |
CFS 23357 | All | installer should not look for a wininit.ini under NT/2K/XP/2K3 |
CFS 23371 | All | perl sample does not build - extensionless scripts not favoured over .sh |
CFS 23430 | All | alias not getting exported to subshells |
CFS 23478 | All | connrlogin unable to find connrlserver.list |
CFS 23497 | All | ssh not generating the default mssshd user account |
CFS 23498 | All | sh changes characters in PWD from lower to upper case |
CFS 23500 | All | environ.ksh is not getting executed from a subshell |
CFS 23506 | All | diff fails when piped to more |
CFS 23512 | All | no longer sources cshrc.csh and login.csh |
CFS 23521 | TKPDev, TKEDev | qsort() sorting back to front |
CFS 23528 | All | "Check Updates" results in the message "Invalid Information" |
CFS 23529 | All | "Check Updates" results can not be copied to the clipboard |
CFS 23548 | All | domain -e tries to list non-domain items |
CFS 23555 | All | "a=$(cat noexist 2> nul)" does not send error message to nul |
CFS 23581 | TKPDev, TKEDev | problem accessing file on a Samba Server |
CFS 23592 | TKPDev, TKEDev | open() fails on the special file NUL (dev/null) |
CFS 23593 | TKPDev, TKEDev | the lockf() system call fails with a return value of (-1) |
CFS 23613 | All | registry needs to access 64-bit registry entries |
CFS 23618 | All | csh has problems with some versions of emacs |
CFS 23623 | All | If TMPDIR not defined then sh uses the Windows directory as the temp dir |
CFS 23625 | All | awk treats large integers in input incorrectly |
CFS 23627 | All | psproxy fails when running on remote machines |
CFS 23642 | TKPDev, TKEDev | open() causes a segmentation violation when compiled with ncf77 |
CFS 23647 | TKDev, TKIO, TKPDev, TKEDev | ld.ccg does not special case -ll and -ly for lex.lib and yacc.lib |
CFS 23657 | All | sh/csh/ksh/bash will not run an executable that is not .exe name conforming |
CFS 23658 | TKDev, TKIO, TKPDev, TKEDev | MAKEFLAGS are not POSIX conforming |
CFS 23662 | All | sh has new behavior for IFS |
CFS 23669 | All | "foo=`date -u`" causes sh to fail |
CFS 23681 | TKPDev, TKEDev | fork() is core dumping |
CFS 23689 | All | sh only reads ENV for interactive shells |
CFS 23702 | All | produces binary output file with low value character |
CFS 23707 | All | grep not waiting for EOF or buffer to be full |
CFS 23736 | All | set -n should be ignored in interactive shells |
CFS 23817 | All | unset does not unset special shell environment variables |
CFS 1013093 | All | vpax shows invalid files sizes on French Windows 95 |