inc::Module::Install::DSL - Domain Specific Language for Module::Install


inc::Module::Install::DSL - Domain Specific Language for Module::Install


  use inc::Module::Install::DSL 0.80;
  all_from       lib/ADAMK/
  requires       File::Spec            3.29
  requires       File::pushd           1.00
  requires       File::Find::Rule      0.30
  requires       File::Find::Rule::VCS 1.05
  requires       File::Flat            0
  requires       File::Remove          1.42
  requires       IPC::Run3             0.034
  requires       Object::Tiny          1.06
  requires       Params::Util          0.35
  requires       CPAN::Version         5.5
  test_requires  Test::More            0.86
  test_requires  Test::Deep            1.03
  install_script adamk
  requires_external_bin svn


One of the primary design goals of the Module::Install manpage is to simplify the creation of Makefile.PL scripts.

Part of this involves the gradual reduction of any and all superfluous characters, with the ultimate goal of requiring no non-critical information in the file.

the Module::Install::DSL manpage is a simple Domain Specific Language based on the already-lightweight the Module::Install manpage command syntax.

The DSL takes one command on each line, and then wraps the command (and its parameters) with the normal quotes and semi-colons etc to turn it into Perl code.


Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at

For other issues contact the author.


Adam Kennedy <>


Copyright 2008 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

 inc::Module::Install::DSL - Domain Specific Language for Module::Install